So what's TTI up to lately?

TTI is known for its intellectuals. This is a place for thinkers to gather and exchange quotes, thoughts, or other topics that might not appeal to the average gamer.
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So what's TTI up to lately?

Post by ForumAdmin »

Hey all,

Every few weeks I check up on the Deep Thoughts forum to see if there's anything interesting to comment on. It has been very quiet there lately, so I came out and looked around to notice that the rest of this forum is incredibly quiet now.

What are you guys are up to, anyway?

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Post by Oleksandr »

I'm up to plans in rebuilding TTi, working some negotiations out, etc.
Ex-CEO of Taggart Transdimensional

"Objectivism is not only true, it is great! Why? Because of the volitional work a mind must have performed to reach for the first time so exalted a level of truth—and because of all the glorious effects such knowledge will have on man’s life, all the possibilities of action it opens up for the future." -- Leonard Peikoff
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