Separation of Church and State
- Tolthar Lockbar
- Posts: 732
- Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:10 pm
I am having trouble with it too. It seems to me that Religion thrives in the universe of the unknown. I enjoyed writing this little poem a while backEmizzon wrote:I'm having trouble understanding how a Religion based on reason can exist. Isn't that just a type of philosophy at that point?
I guess the whole point with this religion thing is that in a world where the “fruit of knowledge” is exponentially attacking the unknown, Why should we let religious wackos control any government?musashi wrote:
- God has been
Through time man has pushed God progressively farther from his own reach and experience. At what point does;
- God has been the Sun
God has been fire, and wind, rain and snow
God has been thunder and lightning
God has been a broad assortment of animals
God has been the earth
God has been beyond the horizon at the edge of the earth
God has been in the sky
God has been in the stars
God has been at the essence of life and the unique character of man
- God become a has been?
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:27 am
Absolutely! According to every religion I’ve read about, wherever you can’t see…. That’s where God is.Du'kain II wrote:So...since God resides in the unknown...Does that mean dark matter and dark energy God since scientists have little idea as to what that is?
Or is that cockroaches? I keep forgetting.
Finally! You're catching on!musashi wrote:Absolutely! According to every religion I’ve read about, wherever you can’t see…. That’s where God is.Du'kain II wrote:So...since God resides in the unknown...Does that mean dark matter and dark energy God since scientists have little idea as to what that is?
Or is that cockroaches? I keep forgetting.
Cockroaches never die. God Never dies. Therefore, God is a cockroach! We've solved the riddle, the great mystery is no more!

- Tolthar Lockbar
- Posts: 732
- Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:10 pm
do you mean a bandwagon in the financial or physical sense? Even in the physical sense, a band wagon is a concept, or idea which we have created a a label, but to disprove a specific one it needs to not be there for you to disprove it, perhaps the fact that you need to disprove something makes it impossible for it to exist. maybe not. to disprove it you would need to show that there is no proof of its existance.

A wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool speaks because he must