Intro - Vasham

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Intro - Vasham

Post by Vasham »

Greetings. My name's Vasham, and I'm a battleship pilot.

Now for the real life portion. I'm a 26 year old sci-fi nerd and aspireing writer playing out of eastern Pennsylvania. Currently working on moving into my own place (frakin' economy) and passing the free time on EVE. Having just left a string of corporations due to poor leadership and wardecs from said leaders running their mouth, the idea of a rationally minded and structured corp really pulled me in. Hopefully you'll have a job for an out of work warship captian.

Until then, good luck, and God bless.

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Re: Intro - Vasham

Post by redhotrebel »

Vasham wrote:Currently working on moving into my own place (frakin' economy)...
Sooooo many jokes- so little time... :D
Vasham wrote:Until then, good luck, and God bless...
:shock: ... :?
"If you pay people not to work and tax them when they do, don't be surprised if you get unemployment." ~ Milton Friedman
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