Into- Poyna

TTI is known for its intellectuals. This is a place for thinkers to gather and exchange quotes, thoughts, or other topics that might not appeal to the average gamer.
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Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:32 am

Into- Poyna

Post by Poyna »

Hello, I am Poyna

I am a fresh player, looking for a strong group to direct me. I feel dwarfed by the old and experienced players posting around me, but i hope that i may be an asset to this corp, even if its running errands.
Posts: 1777
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:54 pm

Re: Into- Poyna

Post by musashi »

Welcome to the forums.

Let's hope you become more knowledgeable and powerful for your own benefit rather than the corp. Gotta check yourself with that altruism, most folks take that as a sin around these parts (I do).
Keep your sharpened steel sword, this wooden one will be all I need!
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