System is closed please stand at the back of the line...

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System is closed please stand at the back of the line...

Post by zippedupstring »

I am assuming that you humans have won out in the race for the limited resorces on in your native solar system.I hope theres some fish left because our lord does so much like a nice bit of smoked cod for fuel.As you are starting to realise when living in a vicious closed resource loop you have to keep moving or your economy will run out of steam and grind to a halt.I am interested in your individual opinions on what constitutes a human and therefore who gets the stuff.Are all things that can breed with you successfully human?Is being human a closed shop,is it based on ethics or genetics or perhaps first up best dressed kind of a system?The other small point today would be reality.While looking out the window of a ninteen fifties train in the usa it was fair to conceive a place where everybody was equal and had the same rights as every one else as long as they were human.Of course in some parts of the countryside where that train was traveling it had just been realised that to be human meant more than the color of your outsides.Overall that leetle mistake can be overlooked as it has no real bearing on your rights as a man.But reality is a fast moving target and what you thought of as a your reality from that train window is now in some dought as we all look out the windows of our own spaceships.Before filling out any electronic applications to join i would like to clear up these points and to see what some of your members really think about it.
Yours zippedupstring...
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Re: System is closed please stand at the back of the line...

Post by musashi »

Reads much like Bukowski. We don’t take kindly to Bukowski in these parts. That or Vogon poetry

I’ll pick out an easy one let others take the harder ones…
zippedupstring wrote:Are all things that can breed with you successfully human?
According to Linnaean Taxonomy the answer to this question is yes.
Keep your sharpened steel sword, this wooden one will be all I need!
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Re: System is closed please stand at the back of the line...

Post by zippedupstring »

My that was fast you must be watching.And yes good call breed is such a silly leetle mistake but never mind im only trying to be human its not my native way.And for the list of ppl who arn't liked in these parts will one sheet of A4 do or should i break out a book?
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Xul Daethreen
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Re: System is closed please stand at the back of the line...

Post by Xul Daethreen »

Is being human a closed shop,is it based on ethics or genetics or perhaps first up best dressed kind of a system?
First, let's look at what wikipedia has to say on the word "human"...
The word homo is Latin, in the original sense of "human being", or "person". The word "human" itself is from Latin humanus, an adjective cognate to homo, both thought to derive from a Proto-Indo-European word reconstructed as*dhǵhem- "earth".
If we were to then look for a reference to "human being" we find this:
human being

1. any individual of the genus Homo, esp. a member of the species Homo sapiens.
From a comparision of these two pieces of information, we can infer that Human is a reference to the modern species of the Homo genus, Homo Sapiens, thus is based soley on genetic.

However, a person is not the same as a human. I'll leave the next answer for another member.
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Re: System is closed please stand at the back of the line...

Post by Kushan »

yuo said homo lolololo
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Re: System is closed please stand at the back of the line...

Post by zippedupstring »

musashi wrote:I’ll pick out an easy one let others take the harder ones…
You sure you didn't take the bleeding obvious,then leave the easy one and miss the hard ones?
Its recognised that if the rest of the world wants the same standard of living as the USA then we will need as many as eleven more planets.I read standard of living as potential right to a standard of living and all the rest of the world has to do is stand up for their rights?
Using pretty sound reasoning it seems theres either one of two things we can do.First is change the way we look at our rights and accept that there is no place for universal human rights in a closed system with a lack of resources or look to the heavens for the answer.I don't see any other course of action but to move into space as soon as possible.The cost of that move while being over the heads of most countries is still a drop in the bucket compared to the bill for the wars needed to keep most of the world from claiming their right to "Make some money"(think make some money think energy/matter in the laws of thermodynamics).Its been claimed that every year nasa's buget has been smaller than what american women have spent on makeup?Either way its still a lot smaller than the world wide spend on arms.One of the next most important dates for the human race will be the day the first baby is born in space and the next most important will be the day that the population off world exceeds the population on earth.
If moores law keeps going at the same rate as it has for the last two or three decades then in less than fifteen yrs some computers will exceed the power of the human brian and in less than fifty yrs they will exceed the power of all human brains.
Back in the ninteen fifties looking out that train window it was hard to believe that all the people we saw had the same rights and if we looked up into the heavens we thought we still could see it seems that the heavens are full of planets and moons that could support life and any rationalst veiw that supports nothing less than intelligent life all about the place should perhaps be left on that train in the fifties.
Xul Daethreen wrote:However, a person is not the same as a human. I'll leave the next answer for another member.
The only differance here i can see is dead or alive in relation to rights to resources but i could be wrong?if the other members want to explain it i would be interested to hear.In this part of the short history of
Xul Daethreen wrote:the modern species of the Homo genus, Homo Sapiens
it must be clear that rights to resources is more than genetics and the likleyhood of us having to justify our claim in the lifetime of some allready alive means that the goal posts of what is reality and therefore reasonable have allready changed.This very space sim,aka game should get most of you thinking as you look out into the void and start to appreciate our new home.
To the rationalist those that make a claim have to prove it,those that say no can wait.If you are making a claim to my resorces then it is you that should prove you have the right and if the only right is at the barrel of a gun then we are all doomed!
We the chicks that end in string are making a claim to the same rights to the stuff as you humans have.And we claim it is not rational to to think otherwise.
yours zippedupstring...
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