
Forum for potential applicants to post introductions. Please post all introductions in this forum.
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Post by Aw3some0 »

I'm a HUGE rand fan. Excited to contribute to this board even if my application is not accepted. My life philosophy is Extremely right, Constitutional conservative, some call it libertarian, some call me III%er, labels are a pain, i'm with you guys.

I'm a PVP pilot, wormholes are my specialty, looking to learn how to make more isk since my ability to spend time playing eve has gone down.

EDIT!!! Guess i don't read directions well the first time, My ingame name is PewRocksPew, i guess i'm deleting this handle and making a new one. sorry guys.
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Re: o/

Post by redhotrebel »

Welcome to the forums... Is there a video of you dancing like Brittany Spears out there? (2 points to whoever gets the reference ;) )
"If you pay people not to work and tax them when they do, don't be surprised if you get unemployment." ~ Milton Friedman
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