Philosophy and the Social Sciences in Education

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Philosophy and the Social Sciences in Education

Post by Ariolo »

To what basic degree of understanding should individuals achieve in these fields? Should they be incorporated into the standardized education system? It is my belief that education is underplayed these days, even with all the hype about the negative status of the economy. I believe that individuals should strive for at least a basic understanding in all scientific (and possibly artistic) fields, from that point they can continue education and deepen their understanding in their preferred subjects. While the full process and affect of social/mental development is indeterminate, a basic understanding of what is known could potentially support deeper, more meaningful socialization and education earlier in life. The effects of this increased potential, and achievement of it, may be instrumental!

What are your personal opinions and thoughts about Philosophy and the Social Sciences in education?
Raaz Satik
Taggart Director
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Re: Philosophy and the Social Sciences in Education

Post by Raaz Satik »

In Texas they are still fighting about whether you should teach creationism or evolution in school so don't get your hopes up!
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