Where did you hear about us?

TTI is known for its intellectuals. This is a place for thinkers to gather and exchange quotes, thoughts, or other topics that might not appeal to the average gamer.

Where did you hear about Taggart?

myEve Corporate Forum
EVE-I.com Forum
Taggart Signature
In-Game Recruitment
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Re: A succinct post in the recruitment channel...

Post by Oleksandr »

Kijanti, I have sent you the full application.

Enjoy, and HR will take a look at it, once you are done with it.
Ex-CEO of Taggart Transdimensional

"Objectivism is not only true, it is great! Why? Because of the volitional work a mind must have performed to reach for the first time so exalted a level of truth—and because of all the glorious effects such knowledge will have on man’s life, all the possibilities of action it opens up for the future." -- Leonard Peikoff
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by whisperii »

Someone threw a rock threw my window with VOS painted on it. Unfortunately it was all red AND all green.

Must have been a bug.
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-Or- high-protector of rational thinking, lord steward of things objective, lover of Babs, defender of anti-randroidism, his wholiness, Tynenor.

I prefer the latter.
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Calthrop »

Just listened to Warp Drive Active podcast #37, and TTI was mentioned several times.
Petter Sandstad
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Petter Sandstad »

Calthrop wrote:Just listened to Warp Drive Active podcast #37, and TTI was mentioned several times.
Cool, free advertisement.
Dathkar LiSaddi
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Dathkar LiSaddi »

I was in the Eve open Beta and subbed for about two months after that. My corp (Vector Heavy Industries-- can't believe I remember it after all these years) followed the TTI news pretty closely. When I was casting about for something different than what I am seeing around me in-game, I looked up the corps I remembered hearing about and saw you were still around. Just submitted a letter to the gmail account for an application packet.
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Jaober »

Recruitment post on the Ivy-Leage boards. Once I saw the name and looked into the corp a little more I decided I had to at least try to find my place in this grand experiment.
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Laruant »

Actually I don't remember, but Kushan was in my address book, maybe a post in corp-recruitment? :wink:
Ender Wyatt
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Ender Wyatt »

I've been rerading a lot on the Eve Forums since I started playing, I think I saw someone with Taggart Transdimensional in their signature, and I immediately became interested. I looked up the recruitment thread, and a few weeks later, here I am.
Cyrus Harding
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Cyrus Harding »

In game Recruitment. I have been sitting in there for a few days and TTI caught my eye and got me interested.
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Damayanti »

A classmate of mine playes eve and told me about this forum. I'm not into gaming much but I do like a place to share ideas. I guess this is a good place to introduce myself as well. I am a 1st year nursing student. My family moved to the US from South Africa about 5 years ago and I am amazed by this country. I don't know what else to write, I am new to the philosophy of objectivism so I won't write to much until I can better understand this ideology.
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by redhotrebel »

Damayanti wrote:A classmate of mine playes eve and told me about this forum. I'm not into gaming much but I do like a place to share ideas. I guess this is a good place to introduce myself as well. I am a 1st year nursing student. My family moved to the US from South Africa about 5 years ago and I am amazed by this country. I don't know what else to write, I am new to the philosophy of objectivism so I won't write to much until I can better understand this ideology.
YAY!! I can't believe I didn't see your post sooner!! Welcome! Now get you're computer fixed young lady, it's like living in the dark ages without one! :p
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Kushan »

so... rebel and her nursing school friends are plotting a takeover of our forums?

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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by redhotrebel »

Kushan wrote:so... rebel and her nursing school friends are plotting a takeover of our forums?
You couldn't just let it go- you haaad to meddle. Now that you've discovered the plan I will have to kill you... with kindness and baked goods. You've brought this on yourself!
"If you pay people not to work and tax them when they do, don't be surprised if you get unemployment." ~ Milton Friedman
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by dough2 »

From my corp history.

Howdy dough 1.0! \o

-dough 2.0
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Iudicious »

I came across TTI while reading and posting on the objectivismonline.net forums.
Tsarias Kalil
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Tsarias Kalil »

I was scanning the corporation recruitment channel. of all the mundane places. too bad i cant claim some sort of transcendental epiphany heheh.
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Shazam0 »

Gantros pointed me in your direction. Good to see the forums are here. I'm back in EVE-online. Running agent missions. Just browsing the forum trying to get a feel for how active TTI is today. anyone from release still playing and still in TTI? (anyone remember me???)

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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by musashi »

Shazam0 wrote:anyone from release still playing and still in TTI? (anyone remember me???)

yeah a few of your old corp mates from back in the day are still around. Uhlan, Raaz and myself to name a few. Welcome back to game Shaz. You gonna get yer toon back from Sultan?
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by RoarkRangor »

I googled: eve online corporation capitalism and I found you. I did find the corps public channel through in-game recruiting.
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by 5erpico »

From the recruiting channel in game
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Shittake Mushroom
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Shittake Mushroom »

redhotrebel's ad in Recruitment caught my eye just before I logged off for the night.
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Histracko »

Found TTI on the EVE-wiki. The history was interesting enough to warrant joining here, but the fact that the initial, and current, philosophy is based on Objectivism is a huge bonus. Looking forward to a lot of interesting discussions with you all.
-- Histracko

Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by SunTzu88 »

EVE's recruitment channel, i seen a single advert that stood way out, because it mentioned the name ayn rand, which i just had to give my attention.
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Hideo »

Recruitment channel via Lucius. His words were too smexy to ignore.
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Tark en Chalune
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Re: Where did you hear about us?

Post by Tark en Chalune »

Was attending an EVE University lecture on the player history of EVE, and heard about a corp on the losing end of a massive nullsec fight called Taggart Transdimensional Incorporated.

Randians and other pro-liberty folks used to own a chunk of nullsec? I decided to make a beeline for that. If Galt's Gulch has moved to a WH ... well, I've got a rifle I could defend it with, and a poor attitude to agressors match.
That makes me an idiot, I suppose ....
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