Atlas Shrugged... The Movie

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Re: Atlas Shrugged... The Movie

Post by PewRocksPew » ... art-1.html

All the reviews i've read look pretty favorable to me considering the circumstances. i can't wait to see it.
Reason Devine
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Re: Atlas Shrugged... The Movie

Post by Reason Devine »

I'm currently trying to get a few people that I work with to come see it with me. The grand plan is to head to my place and discuss Objectivism over cigars and whiskey. One of my coworkers is a bit of a socialist, so should make for an interesting night. Unfortunately, most can't get over the overwhelmingly negative reception the film has had with film critics and in general aren't willing to discuss something as dry as philosophy, economics, or politics. Oh well, I can still try. Hopefully going to go down this weekend; if anybody's seen it, post some reviews!
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book...The introduction begins like this: "Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space. Listen..."
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Re: Atlas Shrugged... The Movie

Post by shortlink »

Saw the movie and felt it was true to the book. In some cases it's almost line-by-line of some of the chapters. I am concern that it only opened in 300 theathers which will make part 2 and 3 more risky that it will not be made.
The actors were great and there was no bad representation of the characters.

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