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G'day from Australia

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:42 am
by Larry Lalonde
Hey guys this is Larry saying hi to all of you from Australia. I hope everyone is well and relaxed having a beer, I know I am haha. I recently saw a recruitment message and thought to check you guys out, not sure what made me notice yours out of all the spam but maybe it was meant to be. I've read your website and really like everything you guys are about and what you stand for so here I am. I am really excited to apply. I have only just started playing EVE (4th day) but I have played the trial a few years ago so I have some perspective of the game but at the time my attention was on other things and could not commit so here I am back at it. I am currently interested in exploration but not really sure how profitable it is long term I am looking for something that you guys would need in the corp and something diverse and fun that makes huge isk, any suggestions would be appreciated. I know you wont accept anyone who is this new but I am going to apply anyway and see what happens in the hope of joining a very unique sounding community. Hope to see you soon.

Cheers, Larry.

Re: G'day from Australia

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:44 pm
by Liberty Prime
Hi Larry,

I cannot comment on your application to TTI as I am not a member of the corporation, however, I think that pursuing your interest in exploration is a very good idea.

Wormholes (which are one component of exploration in general) can yield some of the highest ISK per time ratios available to EvE players through conventional PvE content.

In order to find, survive and profit from them you must be proficient with the use of scanning tools, as well as some means of harvesting the loot within (e.g. a combat, gas harvesting, salvage or mining ship).

The additional requirement of scanning skills means that you will probably find the skill grind a little longer (relative to PvE in high-security space) before you start to see much profit, but the end result will likely be worth it; not least because wormhole space is far more dynamic and entertaining than 'known space'.

Re: G'day from Australia

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:48 pm
by Linux Box
Welcome to the forums

Re: G'day from Australia

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:15 am
by Niama
Welcome to TTI forums Larry, as LP wrote, WH living is worth the effort,(about the experience and the isk ofc)

You will find yourself not only exploring in-game but also out of game. Wh Living need you to be prepared, for that, you could find many sources of useful information (forums, guides, youtube videos , etc...) and of course another players :)

