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Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:27 am
by J Random
O/ .. was about to join the reborn Ethereal Dawn (and still might) but was reading Eon and as soon as I seen Ayn Rand my eyes lit up though Fountainhead was still her best book :)

Anyways on the to introduction:

After spending the first couple years solo carebearing (highsec mishing, nullsec exploration) and the last year lowsec pirate/rat/pew'ing I find myself in a inactive corp (everybody left for WoT and Dust) in a active (but wrong timezone) alliance which effectively means I'm back to solo carebearing sadly. What this means is though in terms of TTI is while I like the social pew, I"m definitely self motivating and even today spend most of my time carebearing in low and null outside weekend pew get togethers. I'm not expecting handouts nor will I be your bitch.

Basically looking for a new home, will relocate. Most of my time is spent doing nullsec exploration / PI / mish'ing though def up for non-solo pew (tbh I suck solo pew, most fly support . .curses, ecm, etc). No toons though I do have a 5M SP fw alt which I'm slowly training as a cap/support alt and will remain in fw for the next year or three as I train towards it though also is concentrating in drugs manufacturer which I plan to get into (I'm just to lazy to keep a large POS fueled which I need for the drug manufacturing anchors). Have audio, mic.

Two caveats:

1: I'm a casual player (mid 30's, family, kid, etc) so most you are going to get out of me in maybe hour or two a day and a four to eight hour block on Sunday (my time).

2: I'm in Hawaii (GMT -10, not DST) so need to be active my time which means (most likely) east coast Aussie or west coast US.

PS: I need an answer sooner rather than later as I hate playing corp jumping games. I've been in 3 corps since I have started Eve: a NPC corp, a 0% tax corp I made when they first introduced taxes to the NPC corps, and my current corp as wanted to get into some lowsec pew and knew the CEO for years. I'm joining a fourth corp here, I'm not looking to join a fifth.

Re: O/

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:01 am
by Redslay
Hello and welcome to the forum