Good Evening o7
Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:11 pm
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Decius Crassus, recently returned to EVE after an extended hiatus. I have about 4-5 months of game experience, so am still relatively a freshman. I specialise in management & organisation, manufacture, salvage and entrepreneurship in all its forms.
I realise after logging in that I once actually applied to TTI over two years ago, or at least registered and made an introductory post on this website, but never sent in my application - I presume I decided I wanted to go solo and build my corp that I managed with success until leaving the game due to RL circumstances. Stealthgogi and Redslay should have received my application, and so I look forward to seeing how that turns out.
As for other matters, I'm attracted to this corp for it's history, philosophy and organisation. I'm very big on attention to detail, and am heavily influenced by Objectivism. What is the current strength and activity of TTI? I see you have over 200 members and a significant alliance. I hope that my own skills will be of some service, and that I can find gainful employment within Taggart should my application be successful - and with a 90% reject rate that could be very interesting indeed.
For those interested, the business plan for my old corporation can be found here: ... sp=sharing to give you an idea of how I roll. I was 15 years old when I wrote that - it's inexperienced and juvenile as hell but it sure as heck beat school.
So, what's the word?
Best Regards,
Decius Crassus
I realise after logging in that I once actually applied to TTI over two years ago, or at least registered and made an introductory post on this website, but never sent in my application - I presume I decided I wanted to go solo and build my corp that I managed with success until leaving the game due to RL circumstances. Stealthgogi and Redslay should have received my application, and so I look forward to seeing how that turns out.
As for other matters, I'm attracted to this corp for it's history, philosophy and organisation. I'm very big on attention to detail, and am heavily influenced by Objectivism. What is the current strength and activity of TTI? I see you have over 200 members and a significant alliance. I hope that my own skills will be of some service, and that I can find gainful employment within Taggart should my application be successful - and with a 90% reject rate that could be very interesting indeed.
For those interested, the business plan for my old corporation can be found here: ... sp=sharing to give you an idea of how I roll. I was 15 years old when I wrote that - it's inexperienced and juvenile as hell but it sure as heck beat school.
So, what's the word?
Best Regards,
Decius Crassus