Hoping to Join

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Hoping to Join

Post by Halle »

I registered my name wrong on the server :(. Its ok, its close, my nickname in Eve is Halles. My real name is Chris, my friend told me about you guys so I was wondering if I could join up. I'm still kinda new, can only fly frigs, but am getting decent at them, may move up to cruisers at some point. Well, I'll send a mail to the addy you said in your prospective employees section. I think that I'll be good for you if you're good for me, heh. Gonna read your site a little more and hopefully will be flying with you guys sometime in the future.
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Post by Halle »

Another problem, the SMTP on my mail server is in the dumpster atm. So I'm gonna have to post the mail I had to send.

EVE/TTI Handle - Halles
Real life name - Chris
TTI Division (or major occupation if unsure) – My goal is to eventually be able to do those crazy R&D agents, and maybe get a good Blueprint. I know that myself alone will never be able to come up with the things needed to produce such equipment, at least for now…..I’m just too new. If there is a division for supplying components, bpo’s(I hope) then I’d like to be in there. If not then I’ll settle with the Industrial side. Just let me know, sitting around by myself just isn’t cutting it anymore.
Correspondent's ISP Email Address – chris@michaelfalconar.ca
Your age - 20
Location/Timezone in the world – West Coast, British Columbia, Canada

Extended Info:

1) Tell us a bit about yourself (personal interests, current occupation, interesting psychological quirks, etc):
I’m pretty simple gamer, a geek if you will. Spend lots of time playing games, love eve. I work at a computer shop, so I know my computer equipment, I just am plain crazy when it comes down to it, but I’m sure you’ll love me :)

2) Why are you playing EVE?
Because I saw it at a LAN party and decided to start playing it, also that’s where I got your name, but don’t know the person’s name
3) Why are you applying to Taggart?
To become more than just a loaner in the eve universe, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to be in a group to get anywhere in this game. That is assuming that you’ll take me on.
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Post by Golda »

Thanks for your interest, Halles. Your application will be processed by our HR Director, dough.

I wish you the best on your endeavor! :)
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Post by dough »

Hi Halle,

Thank you for applying to Taggart Transdimensional.

If your mail server is still not working properly, we can do the process on this forum by using the private messaging system.

I'll be sending you some information shortly.

Good luck, and thank you for picking TTI.
If it moves, shoot it;
If it doesn't move, shoot it anyway - it might move later.
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Post by Halle »

OK cool cant wait. btw, in RL work sucks :P. (telling people their computer is screwed for a living is just kindof a downer sometimes, especially if its a girl and she starts crying in front of the store with customers there)
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Xavier Zyrae
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Post by Xavier Zyrae »

Halle wrote:OK cool cant wait. btw, in RL work sucks :P. (telling people their computer is screwed for a living is just kindof a downer sometimes, especially if its a girl and she starts crying in front of the store with customers there)
I know exactly what you mean, as that's my part-time job in the weekends... =)

Best of luck on your application!

Your Anode Neutron Particle Cannon I perfectly strikes The XIF Restaurant at the End of the Universe, wrecking for 468.1 damage :twisted:
Your Anode Neutron Particle Cannon I lightly hits FEDERATION CLONING FACILITY, doing 0.4 damage :?
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