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New Applicant for Employment - Aeron Kaeth
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:22 am
by Aeron Kaeth
I'm also a new player in EVE. I don't have much to offer in the way of anything right now (I just barely finished training in Spaceship Command III), but that will change soon. I'm interested in Mining Ops (nothing specific within that) and plan to pursue it.
I've already sent in my application to the supplied e-mail address. I also put in an in-game application but I didn't bother adding text to it... hopefully that isn't a problem.
The philosophy and personality of this community really appeals to me. I'm quite excited to have shot at it.
As I progress in the game I hope to eventually be able to really benefit the other players here.
I suppose I should say something in regards to myself.
I'm not keen on sharing too much about myself (I'm quite comfortable with the anonymity provided by this glorious inter-web-neticon), but I can say that my primary interests lay in computers and things related to them. I'm currently employed by a large national chain as a PC technician (it pays surprisingly well), and I do some small contract jobs in web programming on the side - specifically dealing with PHP/MySQL. I run Linux as my primary operating system for work and development, but since discovering this game I have acquisitioned my brother's XP computer for the purposes of playing this game. I live with him and he does not use it overly much, and it is a very nice system at that, so all the better. I should probably note that this is the first time I've used XP (outside of work) in almost 3 years... take that as you will. I say it mostly to save my reputation as an advocate of free software (free as in freedom and all that junk).
That's all I'll really say about myself for now. I'll probably let other things slip as I get more comfortable with this community.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:06 pm
by Max Delorian
Nice to meet you Aeron, we look forward to reviewing your application and speaking to you further soon!
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:33 pm
by musashi
Welcome Aeron, TTI is definitely the place to make isk. As far as being new to game, don’t worry about that too much, time marches on.
Respecting your privacy, might I ask if you have read any of Rand books? This is not a requirement, many of the corp. members have not. For me, it just nice to meet new friends that might share objectivist perspectives. Good luck on your application.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:17 pm
by Xavier Zyrae
Best of luck on your application!
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:23 am
by DagnyTaggart
Thanks for your interest in TTI. I am in the process of taking over the HR position and I look forward to reviewing your app
I would advise joining the "taggart" chan and saying hi or something.... we have coordinated empire ops with TTI hopefuls before, and that would give both of us a chance to get to know each other better.
myself, I was rather daring when I was a recruit I had decided to run into 0.0 and drop a can at the planet outside of TTI's 0.0 station.... and then a week later when I was ready curse alliance had collapsed and it was incredibly easy lol. But... thats not expected of aspiring TTI members. that's just crazy me :/
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 6:51 pm
by Octavian.
I'm all for open source too. I am duel booting Kubuntu (Ubuntu running KDE) and WinXP pro here on my laptop and still use XP on my desktop because it seems that is all I use my desktop for is games since I got my laptop. I've got this cool little program for running windows games under Linux called point2play by TransGaming, still have not got around to installing Eve under it, but it should work. The only problem with it is if it is a game that requires the changing of lots of CDs to install becuase sometimes once the cdrom is mounted, it does not want to give you your disk back, but they are still working on it.
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:24 am
by Aeron Kaeth
Octavian. wrote:I'm all for open source too. I am duel booting Kubuntu (Ubuntu running KDE) and WinXP pro here on my laptop and still use XP on my desktop because it seems that is all I use my desktop for is games since I got my laptop. I've got this cool little program for running windows games under Linux called point2play by TransGaming, still have not got around to installing Eve under it, but it should work. The only problem with it is if it is a game that requires the changing of lots of CDs to install becuase sometimes once the cdrom is mounted, it does not want to give you your disk back, but they are still working on it.
Unfortunately the current version of EVE will not work under WineX (I tried and so have many others), though one of the older betas worked with some success. The current theory is that the game uses an advanced Direct3D technology, of which an equivalent is not available in WineX (what WineX does is translate Direct3D instructions into OpenGL instructions, so there is a possibility that OpenGL as of yet may not have an equivalent capability required by EVE).
Some game designers (like BioWare) have turned to using SDL (Simple Directmedia Layer), which is basically a clone of the entirety of DirectX, rather than just its 3D component (which is what WineX emulates), except it is open-source. SDL has binaries for both Windows and Linux. Perfect solution. Unfortunately, some game design companies like to have someone to complain to when something breaks (i.e. Microsoft), which they can't do with open source software (although, they could fix the problem themselves and give the fix back to the community... something you can't do with closed-source).
Anyway, I'm thinking of installing Windows on an old 30 gig drive of mine that I don't use anymore, so I can play EVE on my own computer. All it has on it is an old install of Fedora Core 1, which I can definitely go without, since I have FC3 on my main drive.
Edit: As to the mounting problems, there are many issues. Sometimes users mount the CD's as the root user and then try to unmount using a limited account, which is not allowed. Other times they try to unmount when another window or program which is currently viewing or using the drive has claimed it (such as a file browser like GNOME Nautilus or KDE Konqueror). What I'm saying is that it's usually not the fault of WineX or its "Point2Play" front-end. I really don't have enough experience with it to say for sure. Regardless, you may be able to force it to unmount by opening a terminal and running the su command to switch to your root account (unless you are already logged in as root) and then type "umount -f /media/cdrom" (replacing the path with the correct one for your cdrom, sometimes /media/cdrecorder or /dev/cdrom). If that doesn't work, and you don't have any other programs, it could indeed be the fault of Point2Play.