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Just droppin in...

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:25 pm
by Jack Apples
Yo, I just signed up for EVE (haven't even created a character yet), just kinda cruising through some Corp sites to get an idea of where I might wanna end up. I noticed the Rand references and just had to stop by the forums and say hi. I've got Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead on my bookshelf, as well as numerous books by Friedman, Hayek, Sowell, etc. It's too bad though, since I kinda just became a socialist about three weeks ago. I gotta tell you, it does wonders for the conscience, you should try it.

Anyway, that's only in online persona is still very much into greed and squashing wage slaves, so when I get settled in the game I might try to apply. I was planning on making a trader-type character, so if you could give me any advice on how to do so that would be greatly appreciated.

Aight, peace.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:42 pm
by musashi
Welcome to the game Jack and welcome to the website.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:48 pm
by Shazam0
the game has changed a lot since release. your character can _do_ anything in the game if you train the skills for and all these you can buy off the market. I'd recomend setting attributes as evenly as possible... and get a comfortable computer chair, there is a lot of readin in this game.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:33 pm
by DagnyTaggart
ah well rand calls what you refer to as 'greed and squashing slaves' as a nietzschian egoism.

the socialist typically doesnt recognize or know what an individual is. an individual cares neither for giving to society nor for squashing slaves. The individual accomplishes things by means of his or her own will and his own production power, and only going outside of himself at his own volition.

it was a hard distinction for me to make, i grew up under a liberal mother and a father who had bought into the philosophy. i see no justice in a system that rewards me with more work when i work harder. working for yourself and truely owning a product is a joy to me, even if its something as simple as a subway sandwich.

send an email with your application into the taggart recruiting email if you havent already and good luck.