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The Ressurection of Negydu

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:45 pm
by Negydu Marchnata
Yes, Negydu Marchnata is back!
Well, sort of. Its been nearly 8 months hiatis from Eve and now the sensation to play is back. The only obistcal is talking my wife into re-instating my account. Alittle background information:

Negydu Marchnata (Means Fair Trader in Welsh)

Names Ryan in RL.

Previously played Eve for God knows how long. Lost track of it after 6 months. I have a mining character/producer with maxed skills in that department. Last left my account training Indy 5, can pilot largest mining barge and megathrons. Ice mining and Mercoxite mining not out of the question, and easily doable. Used to be a CEO twice, first time the corp dissimated once the old CEO left, 2nd time I cancelled Eve and passed on the torch.

Personal Info: Former military man, server 4 years on the USS George Washington CVN-73. 1997-2001 as a flight deck director. Fought Wildland fires for three years of my college life, graduated with honors in Landscape Architecture, BLA. Have 2 children and a lovely wife who is anti-Eve unfortunatley.

Personal Outlook: I am 26, mature, and pretty cookey, can take orders, put on a serious face or just dink around. I am laid back but can take orders like a true pro. Call me a care-bear or whatever, just dont tread on me or my mates because I bite back when given the go-ahead. I like everything on the water, sports anyways, long walks on the beach and scrapbooking get-togethers and Pampered Chef, wait, those last two were my wifes intrests; reasons I should get to play Eve. I love to crunch away on roids, do some trading and socialize, but mostly I need a corp that has a "Laissez les bon temps rouler!) attitude when it comes to recreational players. (Thats French for Let the Good Times Roll). I have always been a capitalist, perhaps a Marxist, either way I LOVE group work and cooperation. Thats what makes this game roll smoothly.

Quick Questions:
1)What timezone are the masses usually on.
2) What is your total corp size.
3) Are mining operations protected in 0.0 or appointment only.
4) I know about chat channels, but is there a TS channel for rat hunting/PvP?

Good to meetcha all. I hope that you will rally for me in my quest to convince the wife of the valuable friendships gained in Eve, and I have you bookmarked, so I can keep things updated if you all care to hear about it. :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:11 pm
by dough
Thank you for your vist! We look forward to seeing you in-game.

Uber Carebear cum HR Director Emizzon will be with you shortly :D

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:31 pm
by alaphforce
Navy :? We don't need no frogs around here, do we :?

hehe Just kidding :twisted:

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 3:39 am
by Emizzon
Pleasure to meet you Negydu. It's nice to see energetic people on the forums. As for your questions. I hope I can provide the sought answers.

1)What timezone are the masses usually on.

- Currently our timezone activity is all over. With Alaph on leave, our east asian timezone slot has seen less action. But all and all, the European timezone sees a great deal of activity, which is then brought up by the American timezone. Though on a daily basis, there really isn't a consistant schedule.

2) What is your total corp size.
- Not quite sure, at any given time we can have from 1 active person on to 10 active members. However, with are status in the [5] alliance, we are able to get into a channel that normally boasts 100+ members, with ops going on all the time.

3) Are mining operations protected in 0.0 or appointment only.
- There are no "Set Mining Ops" for the corp. They are more of a member motivated op. Though there are suggested procedures for mining ops, it's usually up to the op caller and they set the terms and conditions, and then it's up to the interested parties to decided whether or not to join. Because of this type of system, protection is usually rounded up by the op caller. More often then not, if defense is neccessary, it's usually taken care of.

4) I know about chat channels, but is there a TS channel for rat hunting/PvP?
- We do have a private TS channel, that we try to use for all intra-corp operations. We also have a larger TS server available to us for pvp operations involving the [5] alliance, however this TS channel is only available to members of the alliance.

I hope these answer your questions. Thank you for your interest in TTI. Once you are given the okay by the powers that be. Feel free to submit a formal notice of application to

Code: Select all

EVE/TTI Handle -
Real life name -
TTI Division (or major occupation if unsure) -
Correspondent's ISP Email Address -
Your age -
Location/Timezone in the world -

Extended Info:

1) Tell us a bit about yourself (personal interests, current occupation, interesting psychological quirks, etc):
2) Why are you playing EVE?
3) Why are you applying to Taggart?
Though you covered most of it in the thread, I'm a victim to process, and having you fill it this out makes it easier for me. :shock:

Hope to hear from you soon. 8)