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I Am Legend

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:25 am
by Ginuad Amarasen
Wow, this was an unexpectedly boring movie.

Basically a by-the-numbers survival horror flick, with a whole lot of crudely-done God-bothering in the final third of it*.

Suffers from pretty much every lousy movie writing cliche you can think of. Plenty of Deus Ex Machina, a toss of Neitzchean Ubermench Protagonist** and other associated plot holes you can drive a truck through.

Spoilers encoded in ROT13
Gur jbefg barf ner evtug ng gur raq. Gurer'f gjb ceboyrzf jvgu gung jubyr 'fhvpvqr obzo gur mbzovr-inzcverf' cyna. Svefgyl, gur ynql naq puvyq ner fhccbfrqyl tbvat gb or BX bapr qnlyvtug pbzrf, orpnhfr gur mbzovr-inzcverf ner hygen-frafvgvir gb HI yvtug. Gurer'f whfg bar ceboyrz - GUR YNO VF SERNXVA' HAQRETEBHAQ!

Nyfb, gung zvenpyr pher vf va n fvatyr tynff ivny. Gung'f qhzo gb ortva jvgu orpnhfr vg zrnaf gurer'f n Fvatyr Cbvag bs Snvyher. Tvira gung, yrggvat bss na rkcybfvir qrivpr 2 zrgerf njnl sebz guvf sentvyr, ohg vzzrafryl inyhnoyr ivny vf n ERNYYL fghcvq vqrn. Gb or ubarfg, vg jbhyq unir gb or na npg bs Tbq sbe gung guvat gb unir fheivirq. Fvapr vg jnf na vapraqvnel teranqr, gur pbaphffvir cneg jbhyqa'g unir orra nf onq, ohg vg jbhyq fgvyy unir orra ernyyl vagrafr. Guvf vf cnegvphyneyl fghcvq tvira ubj gur svyz ernyvfgvpnyyl qvfcynlrq gur yvzvgrq novyvgl bs 'obzocebbsvat' gb zvgtngr gur pbaphffvir sbepr bs rkcybfvirf'

*It honestly seems for all the world like some executive's gone "Hey, we need to get bums on seats in Middle America. Put in some stuff to make God look like the good guy".

**Seriously, you guys who think it's bad in Atlas Shrugged. Will Smith's character makes John Galt look like a couch potato. I'm tired of every single action hero having gymnastic skills that put Cirque Du Soleil to shame and being made out of foam rubber.