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Your Sexiest and most modest applicant ever

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:38 am
by Haplo Kerensky
So I emailed that address, thought I'd say hi here too though.

EVE character - Haplo Kerensky
Your preferred nick/name - Haplo is fine
TTI Division (or major occupation if unsure) - Cracking Skulls Division if you have one. Gunnery is my hobby, Engineering my pasttime.
Your (approximate) age - 26 ish
Timezone in the world - GMT -5 (USA)

Extended Info:

1) What are your unique characteristics that set you apart from most people?

I hate sarcasm (like I NEVER use it, ever), and am a total douche. I like trolling, flaming, and taking pictures of myself peeing on people's graves on the weekends.

2) Why are you playing EVE?
I got tired of underwater basket weaving

3) Why are you applying to Taggart?
I'm confused, I thought this was another underwater basket weaving forum. Oh well, I'll give this a shot while I'm here.

I initially saw you in the Recruitment thread, 0% tax and decent member count. (Heh, just bein honest.) So, that got me interested and saw you had voice chat, forums, and access to 0.0 so that was the major selling points covered. And, more importantly, you seem like decent folks who I'd likely enjoy playing with.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:30 am
by Ginuad Amarasen
I like this guy! :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:32 pm
by Borysoff
:shock: It must be german food that made my brain slow.. may be i need to estimate the feasibility of potential attempt to get the understanding of this introduction when i'm out of here.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:34 pm
by musashi
Hopefuly it is sarcaism Bory. Bets of luck on your application Haplo