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Oppression is the root of all poverty.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:42 am
by Riprion
Now that I have your attention.

I just thought I would pass along this review of the documentary "The End of Poverty" from Tyler Cohen. ... ?piece=601

Re: Oppression is the root of all poverty.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:05 pm
by musashi
I find it interesting that sociologists like Phillipe Diaz fail to consider the differences in the manner in which the new world was integrated into the total world scheme.

In Central and South America they are quick to point out historical exploitation like Potosi (the Spanish used Indian slave labor to literally sift through and move an entire mountain). But the truth is - much of the indigenous culture was left in tact by the “Outsiders”.

Contrasted to the US and Canada, we employed straight up genocide. As bad as that history is, the policy wiped the sociological slate clean.

And now after a few hundred years we can see how these differing sociological polices have born fruit. In the areas where traditional culture was retained, the people appear to be vulnerable to a host of ills not just poverty.

Isn’t it interesting that a similar story played out in a similar manner in Africa, and the numerous islands in the Pacific and Indian Ocean? It just seems that indigenous cultures are at a distinct disadvantage when competing in a world market place.

This review does inspire me to check out The Wire television series. I need to warm up that TiVo.