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Requisite forum introduction

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:46 am
by Aristogeiton
Choosing the name Aristogeiton was ironically appropriate for applying to join this group: his most famous act was killing a tyrannical leader of Athens named Hipparchus. He, in later years, became a symbol in Athenian discourse for Freedom, and as the Athenians somewhat narrowly defined freedom, a symbol for Democracy.

Rand rather famously (or infamously) hated academia, and academia hated her right back. Her side is played out in the Project Xylophone subplot of Atlas Shrugged, and academia's side is played out in a series of scathing (in terms of tone) essays that made for a sometimes interesting, sometimes boring back-and-forth between anti-Rand academics and pro-Rand Objectivists. It is therefore with some apprehension that I introduce myself as a PhD student in computer science, though as the last line of Some Like it Hot points out, "Nobody's perfect."

Aristogeiton the Amarrian capsuleer is just over two million skill points and currently angling toward combat flying (though that's a stopgap against early game industry being impossibly dull), and that seems like as good a time as any to start looking for a better home than Heidon University.

Re: Requisite forum introduction

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:42 am
by Sellmak
Aristogeiton wrote:Choosing the name Aristogeiton was ironically appropriate for applying to join this group: his most famous act was killing a tyrannical leader of Athens named Hipparchus. He, in later years, became a symbol in Athenian discourse for Freedom, and as the Athenians somewhat narrowly defined freedom, a symbol for Democracy.

Rand rather famously (or infamously) hated academia, and academia hated her right back. Her side is played out in the Project Xylophone subplot of Atlas Shrugged, and academia's side is played out in a series of scathing (in terms of tone) essays that made for a sometimes interesting, sometimes boring back-and-forth between anti-Rand academics and pro-Rand Objectivists. It is therefore with some apprehension that I introduce myself as a PhD student in computer science, though as the last line of Some Like it Hot points out, "Nobody's perfect."

Aristogeiton the Amarrian capsuleer is just over two million skill points and currently angling toward combat flying (though that's a stopgap against early game industry being impossibly dull), and that seems like as good a time as any to start looking for a better home than Heidon University.
Welcome Aris.

You're fortunate that Horvay's on hiatus. :)