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Well met, Taggart Transdimensional!

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:11 pm
by Musagetes
Hello, TTI!

I would like to steal a few minutes of your time to give you a brief introduction to this new applicant of yours.

My name is Henrik Nielsen, I am 28 years old and hailing out of the flat and often way too windy plains of Denmark. I'm a bachelor in nordic languages and literature, but due to illness on sick leave, giving me plenty of time to spend in company of my computer, drumset and books. Subsequently, I recently returned to EVE after a long hiatus, and eventhough I still feel like a confused newcomer, I do miss the comfort and enjoyment that comes with being in a well-established corporation alongside friendly people to share both good and bad times with. On that notion, I started looking through the corporation adverts, and quickly came across the name Taggart Transdimensional. Intrigued, I read on and were led to your webpage that left me in awe. Refreshingly different, mature, intelligent and well-organised is exactly what I was looking for in a corporation, so hence my enthusiastic and hopeful application!

What I have to offer and what I am applying with is my main character, Musagetes, a 9 million SP former mission runner gone full-time miner on his way to a Hulk and eventually Orca/Rorqual, Groborthir, a miner alt of mine in a Hulk, and Museion, a brand new alt who will grow up to be a miner also. I'd like to think I am mature, adequately intelligent, helpful and loyal to the corporation that will have me; and I am hoping this will be Taggart Transdimensional. :)

Thank you in advance,

Re: Well met, Taggart Transdimensional!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:54 am
by Kushan
Welcome to the forums, Musa. I look forward to reading your application.