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Righto mates...

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:21 pm
by Samandred Lekel
So I'm laying on my bed one day a week or two ago and my brother walks in with a stupified grin on his face that shattered my perfect day dream of standing on a hill surrounded by foes, laying into them with Glamdring. He said he had found us a corp. Finally.

You see, I'd just spent the past few months in the most god-aweful corporation called Redman66 Industrial Mining Corp. Despite the name, they actually specialize in mission running. They have a 40% tax rate and senior members get all the salvaging loot. I didn't complain much because a) all other corps that even appeared tasteful where in other timezones (Like ISRAEL) or b) They were flying BATTLESHIPS. Needless to say, I held my tongue. Long and short of it: its a cashcow. They have a parent corp that does PvP (something I'm looking to master in EVE) but don't let lower class people like me in because im just making them way too much money.

SO when my brother said that he'd found me a corp, my flagging interst in EVE surged. I read that the core belief is in the individual. That creativity and pressence of mind where the flagships - I was elated. Then I saw the 50% rejection rate... lol.

Do I want to take my newly beloved Crow into nullsec? Sure. Do I want to lay waste to enemies in a soon-to-be-mine stealth bomber? Hellyeah. But what I want most is a challenge. I want to learn. I want to be the best I can be. Whatever that ends up being. So if you'll have me along for the ride, good. I'll join you. If not, well, I know what I want. And I plan to find it.

In the meantime, I suppose I'll be solo harrassing Antagonist and his pirate buddies in Mara. lol. Fly safe mates. May you sleep well and wake. ;)

Samandred Lekel

Re: Righto mates...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:11 am
by Kushan
Welcome to the forums. I look forward to reading your application.

Re: Righto mates...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:11 am
by Oleksandr
That's a great story. Welcome to the forums.

Re: Righto mates...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:00 pm
by Samandred Lekel
Haha, thanks. I'll be sending it in sometime early this week. I have some RL luggage to rid myself of, and I want to be able to take my time on this.

Re: Righto mates...

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:01 am
by Torrstar
Samandred Lekel wrote: I have some RL luggage to rid myself of, .
Yeah, getting rid of the wife/gf/ family is always best before really getting into EVE again.


Re: Righto mates...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:30 pm
by Samandred Lekel
Heh, so true. :P Nah, the baggage is actually a bunch of papers. Well, to be honest, there is a girl involved to. But thats hushhush ftm. ;)

Still planning on turning in my papers sat night/early sunday morning.