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Wow, I have to say..

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:36 pm
by NugzRUs
That I'm thoroughly impressed with this Corporation. Having had registered into the forums, I slipped into Deep Thoughts - "When good carebears go bad.". That made for an interesting read :D

I just joined EVE a couple of days ago and loved it so much that I'm already a subscriber! :mrgreen: Quite a fun game and I'm looking for a mature/dedicated presence in the EVE world.

As for myself.. I enjoy snowboarding and gaming. Looking into college to pursue a degree in philosophy as I love a good debate and/or discussion. I'm a fan of wheat ales and my favorite color is green.

Re: Wow, I have to say..

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:27 am
by musashi
NugzRUs wrote: "When good carebears go bad.". That made for an interesting read :D
Not one of our better moments, but not the worst either. There is much more interesting stuff if you dig deeper, make sure and wear your magic hard hat while you dig.

Glad you enjoyed the application I did too, but that shouldn't count against you.