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Ras Raven reporting for duty.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:22 am
by Ras Raven
Hello "Taggartians",

I have learned of your corporation today and since been keen on testing my capabilities to assist such a group. I will not lie about this; I have been playing EVE off and on for about a year now. Don't let that deter you from hearing me out, just because I may lack experience in EVE does NOT mean I cannot learn to exceed expectations others who would be placed in my position.

It was not because I could not motivate myself to stay with EVE during those periods but more priorities I have in real-life that take precedence over gaming worlds such as EVE.

However! That was in the past and now that things have smoothed out considerably I can focus more on the future and with that comes my wanting to return to EVE to find people I can talk to on a mutual level while still making progress toward a greater name for both myself and the corporation through my efforts by both EVE and my real talents.

My character name is Ras Raven and if I am accepted, I look forward to meeting all of you.

Thank you,

Re: Ras Raven reporting for duty.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:36 pm
by Kushan
You seem to be under the impression that we actually care about your qualifications. TBH, the only thing that will help you get in is the size of your bribe to the HR director... which happens to be me.

I accept ponies, candy, and cocaine.

Re: Ras Raven reporting for duty.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:17 am
by redhotrebel
Ras Raven wrote:I have learned of your corporation today and since been keen on testing my capabilities to assist such a group.
You’re not the first to use this line of thinking so please don’t feel like I’m picking on you- but that is pseudo-objectivist at best and socialist pinko commie crap at worst. Assist yourself and by doing so you will inevitably assist others by not being a burden.

p.s. Don’t listen to Kushan- all he really wants is the cocaine you can keep the ponies :)

Re: Ras Raven reporting for duty.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:05 am
by Sylvia Lafayette
redhotrebel wrote: p.s. Don’t listen to Kushan- all he really wants is the cocaine you can keep the ponies :)
but I want a pony!

Re: Ras Raven reporting for duty.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:20 pm
by Ras Raven
You’re not the first to use this line of thinking so please don’t feel like I’m picking on you- but that is pseudo-objectivist at best and socialist pinko commie crap at worst. Assist yourself and by doing so you will inevitably assist others by not being a burden.
It's alright, regardless of whether or not I get accepted into this corp I will still be going in the direction that best suits me and that is forward. Being able to work and talk amongst professionals is certainly nice but I certainly wont kill myself over trying to attain it. All it means is that I haven't worked enough to meet your standards, which will change - I promise you that.

I'm a dedicated miner who bothers to do the math and take the time to strive toward being the best and then push that standard up higher - there's always something you can do better. What I'm getting at here is that if I were accepted I would be helping myself and inadvertently the corp at the same time... I will progress through doing what I do best and going through the steps to bring me to the next level. Through that and because of that, the ore/minerals go to the highest buyer, but I would not be able to say truthfully I that I don't care enough about the corp to just mine for my self-benefit.

IF I am accepted. Then chances are I'll be helping directly at times but I will not be relying on you all so much as to do nothing until someone speaks up. Live with it.

P.S. - Ponies + Cocaine <= Happy Fun Time (a.k.a. Dead) :)