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Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:53 am
by Hank Felbay
Hello, I'm Hank Felbay. I applied to the corperation today and am now introducing myself to who I hope will be my fellow corp members. Though I have been playing EVE since 2008, I have recently started over to get a fresh start. I am right now a missioner until i get the ship and skills for PVP though my ship can help as support for large PVP battles. I currently live on the west coast and though I am busy during the main part of the day am online during the nighttime. I have played other MMOs like SWG and EQ2 mostly and was a CEO of a corp on my other alt before it collapsed because of a war and have experience of being in guilds and corps. I Look forward to being able to fly with Taggart Transdimensional and if I'm accepted in, I hope I can help as much as I can.
Thank you for your time.
Hank Felbay