Hi all

Forum for potential applicants to post introductions. Please post all introductions in this forum.
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Divad Senoj
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:58 pm

Hi all

Post by Divad Senoj »

Another introduction for you all to read and digest....

Divad Senoj is the handle, I’m over 40 and live in the UK and I`ve been playing Eve on and off for a couple of years (Mar 08) doing missions for the most part. Which has led me to this crossroads.....? What/where do I do/go next?

Wormholes, Incursions, Mining, POS, Industry?
Wormholes seem the next logical step for a mission runner, but I have never tried scanning, so that’s one possibility. Incursions, well I don`t know much about them as yet.
I`m training towards mining at the minute, something I haven`t tried seriously, and I`m maybe going to have a crack at the Planetary, stuff in time.
POS, not interested in those yet, maybe after some industrial activity that will change.

My game time is all over the place at the minute, no fixed times that I get online, I work in a hospital operating theatre, and it can be a little unpredictable.

A pleasure to be amongst you,
Default Name40
Posts: 19
Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:55 am

Re: Hi all

Post by Default Name40 »

Welcome to the forums.
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