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John 2557

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:33 am
by john 2557
I just like space game, even though sometimes I really feel EVE is boring. But this is only one game I want to pay, I don't know why just like the view and the freedom feeling.

I see , taggart prefer individual power, that is exactly I am looking for, no more force and feel comfortable. Of course I'd like corporately play with others if corp mates need me. I am nice man :lol:

I am a really loyalty man. Although, almost no one stay in my present corp, I still wish they comeback, however today i see our CEO had changed to another corp so I am looking for another board now.

Look forward to in.

John 2557

Re: John 2557

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:48 am
by Lucius Arcturus
Welcome to the forums.