TTI is known for its intellectuals. This is a place for thinkers to gather and exchange quotes, thoughts, or other topics that might not appeal to the average gamer.
Hello people.
Having spent some time reading the corporate pages and forums, I'd thought I'd implement phase two of the application process; saying hello
I'm a 4-month old player (in the game-time sense) and am currently preparing to leave the BSC amicably. I look forward to getting to know more of you guys, having seen the odd few of you in 0.0.
Ah Ellaway, how are you doing? Excellent news you are applying to us, good luck in the process!
It does seem to be true that those who lie on the circumference of the inhabited world produce the things we believe to be most rare and beautiful - Herodotus
You will learn to turn the response thingies off on these forums, there are over 50-posts a day most days!
It does seem to be true that those who lie on the circumference of the inhabited world produce the things we believe to be most rare and beautiful - Herodotus
Join channel Taggart in-game. And the numbers we have in-game are accurate. They include all members and alts, so I'd say we have approx between 50-75 actual 'people' in TTi.
It does seem to be true that those who lie on the circumference of the inhabited world produce the things we believe to be most rare and beautiful - Herodotus