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Post by redhotrebel »

So I need to write a thesis paper on "ethics" and if you have a few seconds and want to help me out I would appreciate it! It is completely confidential and the more data I collect the more accurate I can be. It's really simple and only 10 questions just follow this link: ... yLeA_3d_3d
I think some of the questions make for good conversations anyways so feel free to discuss here in this thread.
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Xul Daethreen
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Re: Ethics

Post by Xul Daethreen »

Some interesting questions, and a lot of them make sense, given today's technological advancements and recent medical issues. Good luck with that paper Red.

As for discussion, if anyone wants to know my answers and reasons for a particular question, just ask.
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Re: Ethics

Post by musashi »

If you could collect some demographics along with the survey. I bet you’d see some interesting dynamics with those questions.

Ie Techophobes vs. Techies
Religious vs. Scientific
Educated vs Uneducated

If you did find these suspected patterns, then I’d have to ask….

Is this an Ethics test? Or a test to differentiate one of these groups from another?

This a good illustration for why I suck so bad at the morality game… as far as I can tell ethics are very subjective.
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Re: Ethics

Post by redhotrebel »

musashi wrote:If you could collect some demographics along with the survey. I bet you’d see some interesting dynamics with those questions.

Ie Techophobes vs. Techies
Religious vs. Scientific
Educated vs Uneducated
It would definitely be more interesting but far too difficult to use a premade program to gather all of the data and seperate it once it's been inputed, while maintaining anonymity. Also people might feel compelled to answer in a specific fashion if they think I'm interpreting their "group" morality (i.e. church etc...) rather than the individuals. It would have been interesting to do 2 seperate surveys one for men and one for women, I think there would be a larger difference in how some of the questions were answered. However, ensuring that the right gender took the correct survey would be impossible.

musashi wrote:This a good illustration for why I suck so bad at the morality game… as far as I can tell ethics are very subjective.
Heh- well Mr. Myomoto it looks like you've stumbled upon it, that is precisely the point. My hypothesis is that there will not be any significant anomaly i.e. everyone having the same choice for a given circumstance (also why I made the questions with few choices without being directly yes/no).
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Re: Ethics

Post by musashi »

I don't understand, the demographic data is just a few more questions on your surveymonkey. Like are you a man or a woman? In essence the demographic info become inputs and the answers to your questions become outputs. What do you really learn if all you observe is an outcome?

So your null hypothesis is that you'd only get a single answer for each of the ten questions?

There might be some trouble here. Just from a probability stand point I’d have to assume there would be some dispersion (some people selecting A & others B). I would think that a better null might be that “the dispersion of answers would be 50/50 (on a two choice question).

The motivated hypothesis would be that the dispersion would be different than 50/50. And you could use a Chi^2 of Fisher Exact Test to illustrate statistical significance. The computations are simple division and some look up tables, no rocket science there.
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Re: Ethics

Post by redhotrebel »

You are very correct, that would have been infinately better- but damnit I didn't think about it man! And although it won't be as interesting, I think the data will suffice for this project- When I work on my dissertation though I'm calling you! :)
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Re: Ethics

Post by musashi »

What are we talking about? I little more time, a smidge more effort? Anything worth doing, is worth doing over if it didn't achieve the outcome you desired.

Do it again, do it better!
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Re: Ethics

Post by Torazelan »

musashi wrote:What are we talking about? I little more time, a smidge more effort? Anything worth doing, is worth doing over if it didn't achieve the outcome you desired.

Do it again, do it better!
I'll be happy to fill it out again if you happen to decide to make a new one :)

Age, Sex, Education Level, Income, maybe even family size? (some of your questions have to do with reproduction) might all be worthwhile additions depending on your needs.
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Re: Ethics

Post by redhotrebel »

I'm done with the ethics survey- I'll leave it open in case anyone else wants to take it though. If you want a copy of the outcome or if you would like to read my paper send me a pm and I'd be happy to email you a copy. Thanks to everyone that took it I had 327 total survey responses which helped me out greatly!!
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Re: Ethics

Post by Kushan »

326 of those were me trying to troll you by choosing weird options.

True story.
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Re: Ethics

Post by redhotrebel »

Kushan wrote:326 of those were me trying to troll you by choosing weird options.

True story.
:shock: You have a lot of time on your hands!

Anyways, doesn't really matter to me, I got an A on my paper. "Science" seems to base the argument for global warming in the same manner so I'm par for the course on my research. :P

But if this kind of behavior continues young man you'll be in a time out! :lol:
"If you pay people not to work and tax them when they do, don't be surprised if you get unemployment." ~ Milton Friedman
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