Hello From Britain.

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Hello From Britain.

Post by TrentVenture »

Hello my names TrentVenture,just be thumbing through your site.
I like what I'm reading so I thought I'd introduce myself.
Luckily for me you actually have a place for such shenanigans so I’l begin.

A Bit about Myself.

I’m British ,live in London thou I’ve been known to hang out in Paris(France) for kicks
And giggles.Its a 2-3 hour train ride,but I like the change of scenery and the foods SO good there.I ride a bike,dislike ‘Sharp Hats’ and.....
”STOP ok thats enought, get to the game bit”
I could be more egocentric and go on but I don’t want to put any more of you into a coma .

The Game bit.

Been Playing since....well beta.
First Corp was ENRON we actually made a bit money.And for a while in the great Land grab of
“I can't remember which expansion” I actually owned my own station in The wildlands(I think) for 5 days.
Sold it for 900 million to a fleet that would have taken it anyway.I did a lot of mining with ENRON.
After leaving I wondered “lonely as a cloud”..a cloud that killed stuff A LOT.It was my killing everthing phase.
I’m not proud of it,but it was A LOT of fun. I fell in with a Capt Zapp and a corp called MOO.
When Sheild transfer modules came out we “Tanked” Zapp aginst the gate guns on the Jitta Gate and killed 100+ ships in 2 hours.
CCP turned up in a Invincible Jove ship and told us “Stop that or die...”
When it was pointed out the fact that it was game mechanics and not a exploit it didnt cut much ice.
Within the week the gate guns became MUCH more powerful.
The die was cast ,but what the hell ,we’d always have the memory of “Turkey Shoot at Jitta DAY!” :D

I had the good fortune to join a Great Corp called The British Space Corporation.
It was a industrial Corp that built to a scale that corps 3x their size couldn’t envisage.
Inspired management,commited and reasonble corp mates coupled with in depth planing for infra structural growth .
These qualities moved them to a position were they became industrialist corp of choice that any alliance what ed a industrial in their ranks.
It didnt hurt that we could also field a well trained and drilled 15 ship task force to add any alliance OPPS.
But all good things come to a end..real life reared its ugly head and BSC was mothballed.But the old girl had a good run.
I well stayed in the game,Got into a war with BOB in the space I was living in.
The CLASH did a song called “I fought the LAW and the LAW won”,well replace BOB for the word LAW and you get how that ended but it was fun even thou' I lost a lot of money.
Have rebuilt my wealth back to the + Billion mark.
I have 2 character + 30 million.Enough for good mining ,KILLING all 5 on thous stats and they can haul too.
Just got to think whats next...
Wow..I typed A LOT..strong coffee.
I’ll be back to read the rest of your site.Thank's for reading.

TrentVenture or Ctestdummy.
Last edited by TrentVenture on Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hello From Britain.

Post by Kushan »

I find you emoticon to paragraph ratio... disturbing.
Sylvia Lafayette
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Re: Hello From Britain.

Post by Sylvia Lafayette »

I luled at the emoticons
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Re: Hello From Britain.

Post by TrentVenture »

Sylvia Laffayette wrote:I luled at the emoticons
Luled no longer,The said emoticons have been removed.
In the cold light of day thet were a bit "Much" ,but after pulling a
all nighter and drinking way too much coffee thats what happens.
I'm tempted to put a emoticon in at this point....BUT i will RESTRAIN myself.
Have a good one.
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