Howdy TTI

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Howdy TTI

Post by Phalanx131 »

Just wanted to introduce myself. I have been playing EVE for about 5 months now after a long break(2+ years). I have been mostly mining and mission running for most of my career. Worm hole space has caught my attention and I have probing low level WH and exploring lately.
In real life I am a IT Contractor and a Flight Engineer in the reserves. I am looking for a mature group of people to fly with and enjoy this game.

Thanks for your time.
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Re: Howdy TTI

Post by Neuxeus »

Welcome \o/, oh im newer than you but still :D
Default Name40
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Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:55 am

Re: Howdy TTI

Post by Default Name40 »

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