Short Intro About Me

Forum for potential applicants to post introductions. Please post all introductions in this forum.
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Kali Bal
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:31 am

Short Intro About Me

Post by Kali Bal »

Hello All,

I sent in my membership application and would ike to give you a brief account of myself...

I've been playing off and on for several years and currently have a little over 35M SP. My character is very diversified, as I enjoy many different aspects of Eve. Mining, industry, exploration and plexes, POS operation and pvp are my favorite pursuits. I would like to try my hand at some high level trading, some day as well. What I love the most about Eve is the lack of a box. What I dislike about many corps is the box they try to put you in. Freedom to explore, adventure and profit. That's what I'm about!

I love null sec life, though my experiences have been mixed. Corps that sounded easygoing and casual inevitably turned into disgruntled masses being harped on by power-hungry micromanagers that believe you're just a minion to be ordered around anytime you're online. Others that claimed to be stable and secure within their alliance would tend to crumble within a relatively short period of time and either be kicked out of the alliance or simply fall apart. And then there was the frequent and painful grind of constantly moving assets to a new system because of alliance poltics or invasion.

The good times were many, though, and I love the game :o) I've been researchng the WH life and believe it's the place for me! High profit, challenging environment and enemies... And I really like the philosophy of Taggart. I look forward to an opportunity to join your corp and enjoy all the good stuff Eve offers.

I filled out the application and sent it in!
Lucius Arcturus

Re: Short Intro About Me

Post by Lucius Arcturus »

Welcome to the forums.
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