This is my third Eve trial; I've enjoyed the game each time I've played it, but more for the sheer potential of the world than for any experiences of my own. This time I'm seeking to change that, so I decided to look for a group of like-minded individuals to explore and enjoy EVE with. I hope I've found them -- redhotrebel's spam in the recruitment channel was so unlike everything else that I started digging for more information on the corp, and emerged from the heap a willing fan. I'm impressed by each facet of Taggart, from the guiding Objectivist principles to the casual maturity to that badass YouTube video.
So I'd like to join you all in-game, and I hope that's possible, noob though I yet be. Here's hoping my application merits a membership.
Doggrel's Introduction
Re: Doggrel's Introduction
Welcome. I'm glad you like my video and I wish you good premises for the application process and beyond.