Before I even say anything, please don't call me aurao. It's aura, blade, or auraofblade. Only saying this because the porportion of people doing that in EVE is equal to all my other MMO experiences combined. I'd rather be called Vsin, but I think some random trial I made a few years back stole that name.
I'm mostly intrigued by the "you are an independant part of the whole" philosophy. Sorta like a structure that has no structure. Yes, I like oxymorons. Right now, I'm annoyed by the two extremes: linear and directionless progression. I find that linear progression gives me zero wiggle room to improvise, while directionless progression doesn't even point me in a general direction.
To that end, this corporation seems like a good place for me. It is definitely not a method of getting people to tell me "do this that and the other", but at the same time it gives me some general direciton in the form of competition. By comparing myself against others, perhaps I can figure out what exactly I'm any good at, and then dedicate to it.
As of right now, I'm still using a Trial account, though I think I'll put in a subscription.
Well...I hope my ability to interpret hasn't missed the mark horribly.